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William R. Hogan
Will Hogan is a soldier-diplomat, writer, and consultant. He has served all over the world, from peacekeeping in the Balkans to humanitarian operations in Haiti and combat in Afghanistan. He is the author of Task Force Hogan, published in 2023, as well as articles on history and international relations.
In the footsteps of
Task Force Hogan
Remembering Major General Maurice Rose, beloved commander of #3rdarmoreddivision. Killed in action near Paderborn in March 1945. #spearhead
Near Stolberg, Germany, visiting the site of the Slag Pile Battle.
The moment I realized that the only way I'm going to be able to get in a Sherman through the drivers hatch was sideways.
Following in the final footsteps of Task Force Hogan in WWII. The Elbe was where they idled their tank engines after 221 days of hard combat.

Praise for Task Force Hogan
“Powerful, needful, detailed, and moving, Task Force Hogan is a must-read for fans of World War II
nonfiction. The author is a well-credentialled Army veteran who writes with a skillful hand. His respect
for the subject—his father and his tank battalion—clearly shines through.”
— Marcus Brotherton —New York Times bestselling author
“Wars are won by bravery, smarts, and determination. In the toughest battles of World War II—Normandy, the Siegfried Line, the Bulge, the Rhine crossing, and beyond—one famous outfit set the standard for all the rest. Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 33rd Armored Regiment reflected the inspiration and perspiration of their tough, unrelenting commander: Lieutenant Colonel Sam Hogan. This is their story, told as only Sam Hogan’s son can tell it. A combat veteran himself, Will Hogan takes us into the heart of his father’s war. Ride with Task Force Hogan!”
— Daniel Bolger —Lieutenant General, US Army (retired)
"A superbly researched, clearly written and nuanced account of yet another small tragedy of WWII. This is truly one of the finest pieces of writing I have ever read [on the Warfare History Network], and compares to the best books of the history of the the war."
— Zigy Kaluzny —
“For so many of us, our fathers and grandfathers never spoke about their service during the deadliest conflict in human history. Gratefully, William Hogan absorbed the fabled exploits of his father's gallantry with the Third Armored Division and seeks to share them now. An energetic tale of the Allied spearhead across Western Europe, Task Force Hogan stands as a vivid exemplar of family history as a meaningful narrative of men at war."
— Jared Frederick —author of Dispatches of D-Day and Fierce Valor